Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Adam peering into Noah's bassinet. He was so curious about the baby.

Enjoying his first experience with snow. This is my favorite picture.

Playing in the snow in Utah in his Great-grandparents' backyard.

Two Supermans.

Adam at the Islander. He did not enjoy swimming lessons like John did.

Adam woke up one morning having a very bad hair day.

Adam with his first light saber.

Adam looking very cute and shy.

Adam, a.k.a., "Abba" is a little sweetheart. He is the funniest little guy. He is very bright for his age. Adam loves his older brother John and adores his baby, Noah. We love having him in our family. He is a wonderful little boy and we love him!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Adam is ADORABLE in the picture with his first light saber.